30+ years of experience
Our success is measured through our achievements
We are committed to sharing our know-how and passion in order to achieve everyone's aspirations, while aiming for sustainable success.
At Jenaco, we don't shy away from a challenge. Experts in piping, plumbing, heating, and natural gas, our passion for excellence creates systems that empower and enhance our lives.
Join us in this promising future, where we help shape
the construction industry, one pipe at a time.
The inner gear of your buildings are in good hands
With strong dedication to precision and innovation, we provide reliable and sustainable solutions that ensure comfort, safety, and efficiency in every area.
Featured projects
Heavy Residential
Trifecta PlumbingNatural gas -
Heavy Residential
Myral - PCL2 PlumbingNatural gas -
Quartier des Lumières PlumbingStorm and sanitary drainage -
Fire Station of Les Coteaux PlumbingStorm and sanitary drainage -
Gérin-Lajoie school PlumbingLow temperature loop -
Passerelle Royalmount HeatingBIM Track
Heavy Residential
Myral - PCL2 PlumbingNatural gas -
Quartier des Lumières PlumbingStorm and sanitary drainage -
Fire Station of Les Coteaux PlumbingStorm and sanitary drainage -
Gérin-Lajoie school PlumbingLow temperature loop -
Passerelle Royalmount HeatingBIM Track
Jenaco is a serious and conscientious contractor regarding mechanical building issues and an excellent partner for Proment. We are always confident that their proposals and their work will meet our requirements.
A family of 150 people depending on the fluctuations of our construction sites
4000 More than 4,000 kilometers of pipes installed in thirty years
More than 10 certified engeneers or in-process of certification
380 More than 380 large-scale projects completed since 2006
24 24 BIM and more than 100 3D Modeling projects completed