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Privacy Policy

JENACO is committed to ensuring that the privacy of its employees, customers, suppliers, and partners is respected.

  1. Objective

JENACO is committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about the information we collect about you.

Our primary objective in publishing this policy is to provide you with a clear explanation of how we collect and process any data we may have obtained in various ways through our relationship.

This policy applies to any processing of personal data carried out by JENACO and its intention is to inform the user on how JENACO processes personal data (including details on the type of personal data collected and the purpose for which it was processed) and the user’s rights in relation to their personal data.

2. Identification of processing: How is personal data collected?

In accordance with the current personal data protection regulations, in particular:

  • Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)
  • Law 25 of the Quebec government relating to the protection of personal information in Quebec
  • Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL)

Data collection is carried out in a variety of ways.

A. The information you give us

When, for example, you fill out the forms on our site (, respond to a survey, submit an application or send us your résumé, send a service request, complete a printed form, send an email, or communicate by telephone, we collect information such as your name, your email address, your postal address, your telephone number, or any other information to meet administrative requirements.

B. Data collected by automated interactions or by technologies

When you visit our site, we may automatically collect various technical data about your equipment and your browsing behaviour. This collection is carried out using cookies and similar technological resources.

C. Third-party sources

From time to time, we obtain information from various sources such as: Data analysis providers such as Google Analytics, advertising networks such as Google AdWords and Facebook, organizations specializing in search information, or search engines such as Google, as well as information about you that is publicly accessible.

3. Personal data collected: What personal data do we collect?

Any information relating to a natural person capable of identifying them constitutes personal data in the eyes of the law, and must be kept confidential. Data that has been anonymized does not qualify as personal data.

In the course of our activities, we may collect, use, store, and transfer the various types of personal data identified, which we may group together as follows:

  • Identity data. This includes first name, last name, title, username or similar identifier, date of birth, and gender
  • Contact data. This data includes billing address (for administrative purposes), email address, and telephone number(s).
  • Payment data. This includes payment card details (credit or debit) or any other relevant information
  • Technical data. This refers to the Internet Protocol (IP) address, your login data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform, and other technologies on the devices you use to access our site.
  • Usage data. These data reveal information about how you browse our site.
  • Marketing and communications data. These data mainly concern information about your preferences in receiving communications from us and sometimes from our third parties.
  • Data relating to job candidates. This is all data submitted in the course of a job application to JENACO.

We collect, use, and share any statistical or demographic data that may be useful. This aggregate data comes from your personal information. However, they are not considered personal data because they cannot reveal your identity either directly or indirectly.

No personal data related to race, ethnicity, religious or spiritual beliefs, sexual orientation, health information, genetics and biometric data, as well as your comments or political opinions are collected.

As a general rule, when personal data is required to use a service or access certain content, its provision is not mandatory, except where it is specifically indicated that the data is essential for the provision of the service. If this is the case, users can choose not to register and/or not to contract the services.

The user declares and guarantees that all data they provide is true and accurate and agrees to keep this data up to date. Changes may be sent to the Data Protection Officer or to the address indicated in Paragraph 16 below.

The user acknowledges that the data required by JENACO are necessary, adequate, and not excessive to achieve the purposes set out in Paragraph 4 below, which would be impossible to achieve if these data were not provided.

Any false or inaccurate statement that results from the information and data provided, as well as any damage that this information may cause, will be the responsibility of the user.

4. Purpose: What are the personal data we collect used for?

The personal data requested from the user will be used for the following purposes:

  • In the case of service contracts offered on the site or otherwise, to create and maintain a business relationship and to carry out activities and provide the services of the organization JENACO (including, but not limited to, management, administration, provision, and improvement of services).
  • Send newsletters, business communications, promotions, and/or advertisements from JENACO, either on specified occasions or from time to time. Consequently, the email address that the user provides when filling out the form on the site may be used to send information and updates on the request for services, as well as news about JENACO (either on specified occasions or from time to time), updates, information regarding related products or services, among other things. This use is based on our legitimate interest in promoting our products and services.
  • For example, to conduct a survey on our customer service, or to organize a contest.
  • Personalize the user experience to increase our ability to meet user needs.
  • Improve JENACO’s site and service offering, based on the JENACO’s legitimate interest to constantly improve its products and services.
  • Process transactions and comply with the legal obligations to which JENACO is subject, such as tax obligations. The data submitted for processing will not be used for any purpose other than those mentioned above and for which they were collected. Notwithstanding the above, the recorded data may be used, in addition to the purposes for which they were expressly collected, for statistical, incident management, or market research purposes. However, in the event that personal data is used for purposes other than those initially specified when collecting these data, a compatibility analysis will be carried out by JENACO in accordance with applicable regulations. Processing will only be authorized if the original purpose is compatible with the new purpose or authorized in accordance with an independent legal basis. In this event, the user will be informed of the changes in purpose or the legal justification for processing their data. We would like to remind users that they can block business communications (unsubscribe) and stop receiving emails from JENACO, by reliably informing JENACO, which will then unsubscribe the user as soon as possible after receiving such communication. To do this, the user can send an email to the address indicated in Section 17, mail a letter to the address indicated in Section 17 below, or directly follow the unsubscribe instructions found at the end of each of JENACO’s business communication.

5. How we use your information?

We will use the information we collect about you as authorized under the law. Generally, this use is for the following purposes:

  • Management of customer and supplier orders
  • Information for administrative purposes
  • Technical support and service

If we want to use your information for any other purpose, we will ask for your consent and will only use your information when your consent is given and only for the purpose (or purposes) for which you have given your consent, unless we are required to do otherwise by law.

6. Consent

By providing personal data to JENACO, the user fully and unreservedly accepts the processing of these data by LE GROUPE JENACO. The user hereby grants free, express, and informed consent to: JENACO to use the data collected for the purposes indicated in Section 4 above, as well as their incorporation into JENACO’s database.

LE GROUPE JENACO will legitimately process the user’s data through:

  • the conclusion of a service contract with JENACO by the user, in accordance with the conditions made available to the user when completing the service request form (before possible hiring) and that the user (after having read it and agreeing to it) may accept by checking the box provided for this purpose; and
  • the free, informed, and unequivocal consent of the user, given after reviewing this privacy policy wherein JENACO provides information regarding the processing it will perform with the user’s data, and if the user agrees, by checking the box provided for this purpose in the service request form. Data processing which is not covered by one of the legal bases indicated above will be carried out if JENACO deems it necessary to protect a legitimate interest, and only if such use does not infringe on the fundamental rights and freedoms of the user.

7. Expiration: How long do we keep data?

Data will be destroyed or archived when it is no longer strictly necessary or relevant for the purposes detailed in Section 4 above, including for legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.

Please note that personal data will be retained as long as the business relationship is in force (and as long as the user has not previously requested their deletion) and throughout the period during which obligations, compensation, and/or liabilities may arise in the context of the business relationship or for the services provided.

JENACO advises that it will retain the information essential to identifying the origin of the data stored for the duration of the client relationship with JENACO and/or the revocation of the user’s consent in accordance with the information contained in Section 4 of this privacy policy and/or the duration required by the applicable law.

Finally, JENACO will take the following into account when determining the appropriate retention period for personal data: either the quantity, nature, and scope of the personal data deemed critical, the risk of harm resulting from the use or unauthorized disclosure of the personal data, the objectives pursued with this data collection, and the presence of different means to achieve them and, of course, compliance with the legal requirements in force.

8. Confidentiality / Assignment / International transfer: Do we disclose data to third parties?

JENACO will keep the personal data collected private and confidential and will not use it for purposes other than those established in Section 4 above. JENACO requires its employees and third parties that provide services that access the content of the databases to sign confidentiality and personal data processing agreements (or includes such obligations in the service agreements it signs with such service providers as indicated in the following paragraph).

The user’s personal data collected by JENACO will not be transferred, sold, exchanged, transmitted, and/or communicated to third parties outside JENACO without the user’s consent, unless legally required and/or for the purpose of providing services to the user. This does not include certain employees and service providers who enable JENACO to keep the site operational, to comply with the purposes established in Section 4 above and/or to provide services to the user, who have accepted the obligation to maintain the confidentiality of the data provided and undertake to comply with all applicable regulations regarding the protection of personal data when they are hired. Contracts with service providers stipulate the objective, scope, content, duration, nature and purpose of data processing, the type of personal data, the categories of data owners, and the obligations and responsibilities of the company JENACO and contractual third parties.

In particular: JENACO may share the personal information provided with inspection companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, related companies, and/or intermediaries linked to  JENACO.

JENACO may share certain personal information provided by the user internally, with certain departments, such as administration, marketing, or IT.

  • In certain cases, JENACO transfers personal data on the basis of a legitimate interest and the economic and technical benefits associated with the use of specialized suppliers. In this regard:
    • Maps. JENACO uses Google Maps to include maps on the site. Integration with Google Maps allows Google to collect the user’s IP address. The user can consult the privacy policy and other legal aspects of this company at the following address:
    • Facebook. JENACO has integrated Facebook components into its site. In particular, JENACO uses Facebook’s advertising platform. The company that operates Facebook Services is Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA. The user can consult the privacy policy and other legal aspects of this company at the following address:

Social networks. JENACO also uses social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn and functions from these networks have been integrated into its services. Users can only use these social networks if they are registered with them and have accessed the corresponding social network with their user code. These social networks have their own privacy policies and their own general conditions, which JENACO cannot control or change.

Finally, users should know that JENACO may (and that JENACO reserves the right to) disclose their information in the following cases:

  1. if required by a judicial or administrative authority
  2. if necessary to exercise their rights under JENACO’s general conditions and this privacy policy
  3. if necessary to comply with the law
  4. if these data could be useful for protecting the rights of third parties
  5. when these data can be used to protect the rights, property, or safety of JENACO, its controllers, subsidiaries, affiliates, managers, employees, users, or the general public
  6. when there are well-founded reasons relating to public security, national defense, or public health

9. Security: How we ensure data security

JENACO declares its intention to adopt the technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee the security, integrity, and confidentiality of data in accordance with the provisions of Law 25 (Loi modernisant des dispositions législatives en matière de protection des renseignements personnels), the GDPR, the PIPEDA, and the CASL in order to avoid their alteration, loss, consultation, or unauthorized processing.

JENACO does not guarantee absolute privacy when using this site, as it cannot be excluded that unauthorized third parties may become aware of it. The user acknowledges that existing technical security means are not impenetrable and that even when all reasonable security precautions are taken, it is still possible to suffer manipulation, destruction, and/or loss of information. In the event of the detection of a security incident involving a significant risk for the data owner, this will be communicated without delay to the competent supervisory authority, as well as the corrective and palliative measures implemented and/or to be implemented. Furthermore, we will ensure that all third parties who have access to personal data fulfill their duty of confidentiality and security.

JENACO is not responsible for data lost or deleted by users. In addition, JENACO accepts no responsibility for potential damage caused by computer viruses.

Finally, users must also take steps to protect their information. JENACO urges you to take every precaution to protect your personal information when you are on the Internet. At a minimum, you are advised to change your password periodically, using a combination of letters and numbers, and to ensure that you are using a secure browser.

Information about your credit or debit card

If you use your credit or debit card to make a purchase or payment for a service with us, we ensure that this transaction is secure and complies with the rules in force under the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. Furthermore, we do not store any credit or debit card numbers or three or four digit security codes in our systems.

10. Data owner’s rights and procedures for exercising them: What rights do I have as a data owner?

The user who owns the data may at any time exercise the rights of access, correction, cancellation, opposition, limitation of processing, portability, confidentiality, and deletion of their personal data, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 15 et seq. of the GDPR, the provisions of the PIPEDA and the CASL, as applicable. These rights may be exercised by the user by sending an email to, or by one of the means provided for by the applicable regulations mentioned above. JENACO may request the data necessary to validate the identity of the data owner.

If the deletion of certain data could cause damage to the rights or legitimate interests of third parties or if there is a legal obligation to retain the data, it will not be deleted.

It is important to note that NO FEES will be charged to access your personal information or to exercise any of your rights. Please note, however, that reasonable fees may be charged if the request is manifestly unfounded, repetitive, or excessive. If this is the case, we reserve the right to refuse to comply with any request.

Information we need from you

As part of the process put in place to confirm your identity, guarantee your right of access to your personal information, or to exercise one of your rights, we may need to ask you for specific information. This security measure is essentially intended to avoid disclosing personal information to a person who does not have the right to obtain it. We may also contact you to ask for details related to your request in order to provide a quicker response.

Time frame for responding to requests

Our goal is to process every legitimate request within 30 days. It is possible that processing certain more complex requests may require a period of 60 days. If this is the case, we will notify you of the situation.

11. Training: Do we provide training?

JENACO’s staff, whose duties involve processing personal data, are trained to guarantee better protection of personal data and the rights of the data owners.

12. Third party links: Does our site contain links to other sites?

The site may contain links to third-party sites, with or without advertising content, whose privacy policies are different from those of JENACO. These linked sites are not affiliated with the company JENACO and their existence does not in any way imply any suggestion, invitation, or recommendation for visiting the destination sites or any link or association between JENACO and these sites. JENACO is not responsible or liable for the content, use, and activities of these linked sites nor for any damages, whether actual or potential, material or moral, direct or indirect, suffered by users derived from information on these sites or the relationship that users may establish with third parties whose services have been published on the site. Nevertheless, any feedback regarding these linked sites will be useful to JENACO to improve services and/or to ensure the site’s integrity. JENACO is doing everything possible to prevent the existence of links to sites with illegal content.

13. Cookies: Do we use cookies?

When the user enters the site, JENACO may store information on their computer in the form of a “cookie” or similar file. The site uses cookies to (i) track advertising (ii) collect data on site traffic and (iii) improve the user experience when using the site.

The user should know that it is not necessary to authorize the installation of cookies sent by the site to navigate the site. This may only be required for certain services. The user can delete cookies from their hard drive, prevent access to their computer either through their browser or by choosing the corresponding option when asked if they wish to use cookies for these purposes and in accordance with the JENACO’s cookie policy.

Cookies are information files that the site or the provider of certain site services transfers to the hard drive of the user’s computer through the browser program. Cookies themselves cannot personally identify the user (although they may contain the user’s IP address), but they make it possible to recognize the user’s browser and capture and store certain data (user’s operating system, domain name of the site from which the site was linked, among other things). JENACO reserves the right to contract the services of third parties to analyze and understand site users, who may not use the information collected for any purpose other than to improve JENACO’s services.

14. User Approval

Use of the site by the user implies knowledge and full approval of JENACO’s privacy policy and terms and conditions, where applicable. Likewise, the user accepts  JENACO’s privacy policy and terms and conditions when completing the service request.

15. Changes: Is this the most recent version?

This is the current version of JENACO’s privacy policy, updated on July 15, 2024.

JENACO may, at any time and without notice, modify this privacy policy. These modifications will be effective from their publication on the site or when they are communicated to users by any means, whichever happens first. The user should stay up to date with the terms included herein by periodically consulting this page.

16. Appointment of a data protection officer

JENACO has appointed a data protection officer for the application and control of this privacy policy as well as to maintain relations with the regulatory authority. This person is Jean-Sébastien Landry.

  1. Contact: How can I contact you?

In case of questions regarding the privacy policy, the user can contact JENACO by the following means:

  • The head office is located at: 5215 Albert-Millichamp Street, Saint-Hubert, Québec J3Y 8Z8
  • The telephone number is: 450-443-8000 or 1-888-909-8001

The user can establish direct and effective communication with JENACO in writing by sending a communication to the address indicated or by sending an email to the address: In addition, the information of the person appointed to process your personal data is provided below:

  • Name: JENACO
  • Identity of the officer: Jean-Sébastien Landry
  • Address 5215 Albert-Millichamp Street, Saint-Hubert, Québec J3Y 8Z8
  • E-mail: